
Nature art


Make a soil tray

Pic: Louisa Penfold With lockdown restrictions being eased, the outdoors (except for playgrounds) is being flagged as one of the most ‘socially-distance friendly’ play spaces for children. Creativity and nature go hand-in-hand. This post shares how you can experiment with ‘soil trays’ as a land art activity with kids! Soil trays are a wonderfully open-ended art activity you can do with young children. The soil itself acts as a ‘blank canvas’ that children arrange natural materials onto. This activity can be done in any natural space including a backyard, a city park, bushland or even at the beach. Nature in art and early childhood education Many artists such as Andy Goldsworthy and Georgia O’Keefe have spent their entire careers exploring nature as a creative material. American architect Frank Lloyd Wright also once famously said: “Nature is my manifestation of God. I go to nature every day for inspiration.” Goldsworthy’s art is talked about…

Free ebook! Making art with repurposed materials

I am happy to share a new ebook I have been working on! It is all about doing art at home with repurposed materials. You can download it for FREE at the bottom of this blog post! I love this ebook because you won’t need to spend money buying new or expensive art materials as each activity has been designed so you can do them with bits and pieces you most likely already have. Experimenting with bioplastics by Angela Ruggles What is the ebook about? Repurposed materials are materials that have had a previous life as something else. For example, a cardboard box, recycled string, bottle tops, plastic containers, or natural materials. These materials are great to use in children’s art as they are open-ended and encourage imagination and creativity. The ebook featured six different art activities that use repurposed materials. These have been put together by six amazing art…