I am happy to share a new ebook I have been working on! It is all about doing art at home with repurposed materials. You can download it for FREE at the bottom of this blog post!

I love this ebook because you won’t need to spend money buying new or expensive art materials as each activity has been designed so you can do them with bits and pieces you most likely already have.

Experimenting with bioplastics by Angela Ruggles

What is the ebook about?

Repurposed materials are materials that have had a previous life as something else. For example, a cardboard box, recycled string, bottle tops, plastic containers, or natural materials. These materials are great to use in children’s art as they are open-ended and encourage imagination and creativity.

The ebook featured six different art activities that use repurposed materials. These have been put together by six amazing art educators and include:

I also edited the book and wrote the introduction.

Experimenting with light and shadow by Laura Fantini

Who is it for?

This ebook is perfect for families who are looking for fun art activities to do at home. The activities featured in it have been designed for children aged two years and over however you could modify them for all ages.

Photo by Farah Osman from the ‘Experimenting with wind chimes’ activity

I would love to see what you create using the guide. Please add the hashtag #artplaychildrenlearning so I can cheer you on.

Download the ebook here!!

Happy making!

Louisa x

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    • louisapenfoldblog Reply

      Glad you like it Maria Rosa! I hope your children have lots of fun

    • louisapenfoldblog Reply

      I hope you and your children have lots of fun doing the activities!

    • louisapenfoldblog Reply

      Teachers and parents need all the support they can get this year – best wishes with everything!

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